Research Outline

30th Birthday Gift Ideas


To obtain a list of gift ideas for a wife's 30th birthday.

Early Findings


  • Some ideas for a birthday gift are luxury items in this list. This list has items under $500.
  • This site offers options of epic gifts for turning 30. This is a great resource in determining the type of gift to give.
  • This site also offers gift ideas for a wife.
  • Experiential gifts are also a great option. This site offers various experiences and venues.
  • These results are experiential gifts that are ideal for her.

Summary of our Early Findings

  • After thorough research of various reports, gift sites, and various databases within our one-hour limit, we were able to identify sites that have items around the budgeted amount.
  • In our research, various sites either gave low budget gift ideas or extremely expensive ideas.
  • Finally, we identified two sites that utilize filters. One offers gift ideas and the other experiences.