Research Outline

Automatic Espresso Coffee Machines in Switzerland


To find the best models of automatic espresso coffee machines with metal body and integrated grinder that can be purchased online in Switzerland.

Early Findings

Three models of automatic espresso coffee machines with metallic body and integrated grinder that can be purchased online in Switzerland are the Melitta Cl Touch F630-101, Krups EA8160, and SAGE SES880 the Barista Touch. The specifications and price of each of these models are presented below.

Melitta Cl Touch F630-101

Krups EA8160

SAGE SES880 the Barista Touch

Summary of Early Findings

  • In our initial one hour of research, we went through the website of Amazon Germany and found several models that comply with the desired specification - automatic coffee machine, metallic body, with integrated grinder. However, since the budget and desired price range was not mentioned, we recommended three models that sit on the three ends of the price spectrum. The Krups EA8160 is a lower priced model, the Melitta Cl Touch F630-101 is a medium-priced model, while the SAGE SES880 is a higher-end model.
  • There are other e-commerce websites that sell products in Switzerland that also feature similar models of automatic coffee machines.