Research Outline

Customer Acquisition Cost - Canes


  • To find the EXACT cost of customer acquisition of the following 3 websites: House of Canes, Fashionable Canes & Elderluxe and their average basket size in dollars.

Early Findings

  • House of Canes is identified here.
  • Fashionable Canes is identified here.
  • Elderluxe is identified here.
  • House of Canes, Fashionable Canes, and Elderluxe are privately owned and operated businesses. Privately-owned companies typically do not make financial information such as annual reports or marketing budgets/spending available to the public and these companies are no exception.
  • To find or calculate the EXACT cost of customer acquisition for the required companies, we would need access to the companies annual reports or other financial documents that provide the marketing expenses incurred by each company as well as the number of customers acquired during the same time frame. This includes the amount each company spends on advertising via Facebook Ads and Google ads. Since none of the privately-owned companies make this information publicly available, we are not able to find the EXACT cost of customer acquisition.
  • We looked for the information required to determine the exact cost of customer acquisition on each company's website as well as in news sources and industry publications. The specific information required to calculate the exact cost of customer acquisition is not publicly available for these companies.
  • We looked in the same types of sources for the average basket size, in dollars, for each required company and found that this information is also not publicly available.