Research Outline

Demographics and Psychographics - Single Urban Dweller


To understand the single urban dweller to help with a pitch related to a personalized food recommendation engine. Specifically, to know the growth rate of this demo in urban areas, the age range, and the income level. Ideally, the response would include supporting data points for healthy lifestyle and food traits such as health-conscious, time-deprived, diet "tribe", exercise, sleep, and cooking. An ideal response could hypothetically consist of statistics and data that states: x% of single urban dwellers are millennials; x% do not cook for themselves; x% order food delivery at least x times per week.

Early Findings

  • The urban population in the United States for 2019 is 271,890,000 which represents 82.3% of the population of the US. Here is a screenshot of that statistic.
  • "The demographics of United States of America consists of 166,768,000 women and 163,580,000 men, which means there are 981 men per 1000 women. As far as age distribution goes, 25.2% of population (83,148,592) is 19 or younger, 58.6% of population (193,683,032) is between age 20 and 64 and 16.2% of population (53,516,376) is over 65."
  • We can assume for this research based on the above data points that most urban dwellers will likely fall into the Millennial age cohort.
  • According to a new study, Millennials are happiest in cities. That’s a key finding of a recent paper published in the journal Regional Studies. When it comes to place, Millennials are different from the generations that came before them. Unlike older Americans, they tend to be happier in larger, more urban environments.
  • This link from Brookings provides the education level of millennials as well as the income, the growth and share of millennials in metropolitan areas.
  • Many Millennials graduated into a recession, which research has shown is likely to be a lifetime drain on their average earnings. Despite being the largest generation in the U.S. workforce, they make on average 20% less than boomers did at the same age. The average salary of a Millennial is $684 per week or $35,592 per year. That’s for what the BLS calls “wage and salary workers, excluding incorporated self-employed.”
  • "Except for family, millennials value health the most. In a recent study, 79 percent said family was important in their lives, followed by health and wellness at 53 percent, friends at 39 percent, spirituality at 31 percent and career at 27 percent."
  • Millennials are three times as likely to order in than their parents.
  • "Millennials are on the move. And they’re moving to cities. According to CityLab, the number of 25- to 34-year-olds will increase each year in the United States through 2024, rising from 44.1 million in 2015 to 47.6 million in 2024. This is the time of life when millennials are most likely to live in urban areas."
  • "Urban millennials live life on demand: their demand. From food delivery apps to live-streaming services, they increasingly expect instantaneous results and an opportunity for engagement."
  • A report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, states that millennial households are buying more unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables instead of purchasing processed foods like pasta and potato chips. Basically, millennials want their food quick, easy, fresh, organic, and non-processed.
  • 55% of millennials say that convenience is one of the most important factors when they are deciding what foods to buy.
  • Millennials want their food healthy, fast, and easy to make. This trend started with millennials in urban areas who "don’t have access to cars and don’t want to waste time commuting to the grocery store. To these individuals, it was a lot easier to have groceries or meals delivered to them. Today, this trend has spread far outside urban cities. These demands have led to the explosion of two new markets: grocery and meal kit delivery."

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

  • Our first hour of research revealed the urban population in the United States, with age demographic breakdown, where we could assume Millennials are the biggest segment.
  • We found that sources that were specific to urban Millennials are not plentiful, so we made assumptions that because a high number of Millennials live in urban situations, that the data points provided for Millennials in general would likely be applicable for urban Millennials as well.
  • We assumed a United State focus even though that was not provided to us as a data point. If another geographic focus is required, then that needs to be clearly communicated to us in any reply.
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.