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Research Outline
Prepared for Gilad | Delivered September 27, 2019
Electronic Schematics Designers
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To determine the number of electronic schmatics designers in the world by country/region for an investment pitch.
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Early Findings
Global PCB Designing market
According to Electronicsforu, due to the rapid growth of the electronics industry worldwide, the PCB industry has seen remarkable growth over the last
two decades
The PBC design software market is estimated to reach
4 billion
by the end of 2023 at a
CAGR of 26%
. Which indicates a market size of 1.59 billion for 2019. (4 billion*1.26^-4)
Japan and Asia-Pacific
own the majority share of the global PCB market and within this region, India and China are leading the industry in terms of growth.
Another source reports that Europe had been responsible for
of the PCB volume globally in the 1990s. It further states that PBC production has left Europe and the region only manufacturers around
of the total volume at present.
Other findings
Autodesk emphasizes that while there was a clear distinction between an engineer and a technician 10-15 years ago, it is
not the same
at present. The line is now blurred with PCB designers now handling tasks related to an engineer, a technician and more.
The International Labor Organization does not contain a detailed breakdown of employees in the world according to the type of engineering work. It provides a general estimate of major employment categories and has reported that there are
237.3 million
technicians and associate professionals in the world.
According to Embible, the top 5 countries with the largest number of engineering graduates per year are as follows: Russia (
, United States (
), Iran (
), Japan (
), and South Korea (
According to Career Explorer, there are currently
electrical engineers in the US and this job market is expected to grow at
per year from
As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total of electrical and electronic engineers in the US is estimated at
and expected to grow by
(slower than average) between
. A more detailed breakdown with the number of electronic schmatics designers was not available.
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