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Research Outline
Prepared for Barbara | Delivered September 9, 2019
Engagement and Bridal Jewelry Industry (US)
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To find the market size for the engagement and bridal jewelry industry in the US.
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Early Findings
of diamond sales are in the bridal jewelry category.
The percent of US brides receiving a diamond has been
since 1990. It is now only around
All bridal and wedding jewelry (like wedding bands, gifts and engagement rings) make up around
of total US jewelry sales.
US jewelry sales in 2014 were
$68.8 billion
, with
1.5% YOY growth
. This means in 2019, the industry would be worth around $74.1 billion. 18-25% of this is $13.3 billion
$18.5 billion
Diamond Shades
calculated the average market size for marriage jewelry to be
$9.8 billion
. These figures appear to be from around 2014, which when annual growth is applied, fits broadly in the calculations above.
In lieu of confirmed market size figures that sit behind paywalls, it is reasonable to conclude the average market size for the US bridal jewelry segment is around $15.9 billion.
The US retail jewelry industry is
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