Research Outline

Small Fashion Brands - Social Media Trends


To find 2-3 trends that describe how small fashion brands can make use of social media and social media influencers in the development of their business.

Early Findings

User-Generated and Shoppable Content on Instagram and Facebook

  • Fashion brands are "taking steps to reduce the friction between the content they produce and the purchasing process." To reduce this friction, fashion brands are creating shoppable content on social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram.
  • Social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, are providing fashion brands with improved technology and new features to enable them "to seamlessly integrate the content and shopping experiences in creative new ways."
  • Both Facebook and Instagram are offering shoppable ads, such as shoppable TV. However, "many fashion brands are finding success by leveraging blog and user-generated content (UGC) on social media to drive audience engagement and create authentic click-and-shop experiences."
  • An example of these brands is Madewell. Having about 1 million Instagram followers, the fashion brand and retailer "consistently shares images of beautifully photographed products" and provides direct access to the product page for people who want to shop. "It’s the perfect combination of content and commerce."
  • Using Instagram, many brands provide a "direct opportunity for their customer to shop through their feed" by setting up a shop with Instagram.
  • #NoFilter: Getting Real on Instagram
    • "More and more brands support getting real on Instagram, which means fewer filters and more authenticity. People started treated fashion as a lifestyle, being body positive, taking care of themselves, and the environment. "