Research Outline

Health/Fitness Demographics


Understand which generation is most likely to participate in health/wellness/performance/lifestyle trends like vegan, ketogenic, gluten free, brain optimization, triathlete, Ironman, etc.

Early Findings


  • According to a study by Neilson, Millennials account for 48% of regular exercisers, Gen X accounts for 32% and Baby Boomers account for 20%.
  • Baby boomers spend the most time leisurely exercising on average 5.49-7.75 hours a day.
  • Gen X spends an average of 4.4-4.54 hours on leisurely exercise per day.
  • Millennials spend an average of 4.22-5.02 hours on leisurely exercise per day.

Healthy Eating

  • 40% of millennials cut back or cut out carbonated beverages from their diet.
  • Millennials account for 30% of the market for ethical purchases related to health trends.
  • Gen Y is active in meal planning.
  • As of 2018, 7% of millennials were vegetarian and 3% were vegan; 8% of Gen X was vegetarian and 4% were vegan; and 3% of baby boomers were vegetarian and 1% was vegan.
  • In 2019, 31.1% of millennials expressed interest in low carb diets, 23.5% expressed interest in low calorie diets, and 19.3% expressed interest in the ketongenic diet.