Research Outline

Android Screen Sizes: Europe


To identify the breakdown of mobile phone screen sizes of Android users in Europe.

Early Findings

  • According to Mobiforge, the screen size breakdown of Android users in Europe (H1 2018) are as follows (this was the latest publicly available information found).
1080×1920- 27.5%
720×1280- 26.9%
1440×2560- 19.5%
1440×2960- 8.4%
540×960- 3.3%
800×1280- 2.7%
480×800- 2.7%
480×854- 2.0%
  • According to an older article (2015) from BGR, screen size was the biggest purchase driver for consumers buying Android phones in Europe.
  • Android accounts for 71.77% of the European mobile OS market share. Overall, 39% of smartphone users prefer a screen size between 5-5.5."