Research Outline

Major Companies Total Work Hours


To find out the number of total human hours spent working at some of the world's largest companies.

Early Findings


  • Created in 1994.
  • It had 11 employees in 1995.
  • The company has grown to 614 employees in 1997.
  • In 1998, it reached 2,100 employees.
  • Two years later, in 200, Amazon had a total staff of 9,000 workers.
  • In 2001, this number reached 7,800 employees.
  • In 2002, due to the dot-com bullble crash, the number of employees decreased to 7,500.
  • In 2005, it grew again to 12,000 employees.
  • Two years later, the Amazon staff reached 17,000 employees.
  • It then jumped from 24,300 to 56,200 between 2009 and 2011.
  • By 2013, it passed the 100,000 mark with 117,300 workers.
  • It kept growing year by year with 154,100 in 2014, 230,800 in 2015 and 566,000 in 2017.
  • Finally, Amazon had 613,300 employees in 2018.


  • Created in 2004.
  • In 2004-2005, Facebook had 20 employees.
  • In 2011, the company had 3,200 employees.
  • In 2012, it had 4,619.
  • In 2013, it reached a staff of 6,337.
  • Facebook had 9,199 employees in 2014 and 12,691 in 2015.
  • Its staff has then grown from 17,084 in 2016 to 25,105 in 2017 and 35,587 in 2018.
  • Finally, in 2019,the company employed 44,942 workers.



  • Founded in 1976.
  • Between 2005 and 2018, the number of Apple employees has increased from 16,820 to 132,000.


  • Founded in 2003.
  • The number of Tesla employees has increased from 899 in 2010 to 48,817 in 2018.