Research Outline

Automotive Dealership Decision Makers


To understand psychographics of automotive dealership general managers or decision makers, including data around types of websites, social media, online use, and telecommunication/phone habits of this demographic

Early Findings

Automobile sales managers make an annual salary of $133,630, just under the $140,320 average salary of sales managers across all industries.

In terms of educational level, automotive sales managers are most likely to have a bachelor’s degree.

Based on data showing online access is related to income and educational level, it’s estimated that most automotive sales managers are likely to get online both on a mobile device or laptop, with only 9% in this demographic reliant on their smartphone alone for online access.
An example of the type of event automotive dealership decision makers are likely to attend are skill building summits such as The Innovative Dealer Summit, a Denver based conference where those in the automotive sales space can learn about innovative technologies, SEO, dealer reputation management, social media marketing, lead generation, inventory management, and so forth.

Cars salespeople and managers tend to operate standard business hours, between 8 am and 6pm, so their social media and personal online time is likely to be in the early morning and late evening.

It’s also noted that automotive decision makers began as cars sales people, and thus are likely to have people skills, and be outgoing, so this extroverted demographic is likely to be personal users of social media.
Time management skills are also a strength of automotive sales managers, as well as car salespeople, who need to carefully manage their time to both assist customers and finish paperwork. From this ability to self manage time, one might guess an automotive sales manager is likely to be conscious and intentional about how they spend time online.