Research Outline

COVID-19 Impacts on Charitable Fundraising


The goal of this research is to assess how COVID-19 has impacted charitable giving to nonprofits. This information will be used to help nonprofits plan for the fundraising impacts resulting from COVID-19.

Early Findings

CCS Fundraising Surveys

  • An article published by CCS Fundraising on June 12, 2020, provided data about how COVID-19 has impacted nonprofit fundraising and specifically compared results from two recent surveys that it conducted.
  • A survey conducted by CCS Fundraising polled "1,014 individuals representing nonprofit organizations across sectors, track performance and perceptions between May 1 and June 1[, 2020]."
  • Among the respondents, 23% experienced an increase in fundraising. That percentage marked an increase from the prior survey conducted between "between April 1 and May 1[, 2020]" when 14% of respondents said that fundraising had increased.
  • Among the respondents from the May-June survey, 56% said that fundraising had decreased. Though that is a significant level of decreased fundraising, it actually marked an improvement from the April-May survey when 63% said the same.

Fidelity Charitable Survey

  • A survey conducted by Fidelity Charitable asked philanthropic individuals about their charitable giving plans, in light of COVID-19.
  • Among those surveyed, 25% planned on increasing the amount of money they donate to charity.
  • Fifty-four percent of the participants said they intended "to maintain their giving levels."

2020 Global Trends in Giving Survey

  • "The 2020 Global Trends in Giving Survey", which was concluded on June 1, 2020, polled "7,008 survey respondents from 81 countries . . . that . . . had donated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."
  • Of those respondents, 68% were female, 24% were millennials, Baby Boomers accounted for 41%, Gen Z accounted for 2%, and Gen X accounted for 22%.
  • Among all the donors combined, 53.6% were donating on a recurring basis.
  • More specifically, 47.5% were donating monthly, 3.3% were donating annually, 1.5% were donating weekly, and 1.3% were donating quarterly.