Research Outline

Influencer Marketing Case Studies


To obtain case studies of influencer marketing campaigns (within the past three years) that have successfully generated returns on investment (ROI) for a brand. These case studies should focus on direct-to-consumer brands and consumer packaged goods brands. Campaigns should have occurred within the last 3 years.

Early Findings

  • Mediakix conducted a survey of marketers in 2019 which revealed that 17% of companies spend more than half of their marketing budget on influencers. Also, 89% of all marketers say that return on investment (ROI) from influencer marketing is "comparable to or better than other marketing channels."
  • Instagram ranks as the best (#1) channel in terms of importance and impact.
  • According to Viral Nation, some top benefits of influencer marketing include building trust and showing authority, improving brand awareness, effectively reaching a business's target audience to drive purchase decisions, and lead generation.
  • Almost half of marketers make use of influencer partnerships that last six months or longer. 37% of influencers mention that they are collaborating with brands for longer periods rather than engaging in one-off campaigns.
  • A lot of social media influencers have millions of followers, "with the 50 most followed Instagram influencer accounts totaling more than 2.5 billion followers."
  • Nearly 40% of respondents in a 2016 study said that "they made a purchase after seeing a social media influencer use the product or service." Since then, social media has grown in prominence, making it very likely that the impact of influencer marketing on these platforms has increased as well.

Iceland Foods