Research Outline

Learning Processes


To prove the hypothesis that live learning experiences contribute more to worker productivity than asynchronous ones.

Early Findings

  • "Synchronous e-learning increases arousal and motivation, while asynchronous e-learning increases the ability to process information."
  • Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning complement each other.
  • Research indicates that a combination of "asynchronous and synchronous e-learning supports several ways for learners and teachers to exchange information, collaborate on work, and get to know each other".
  • One study found that traditional face-to-face class sessions facilitate more in-depth discussions compared to asynchronous discussions.
  • Another study found that participants felt interactive communication tools in online learning would be beneficial to their learning. The participants also commented on the importance of human interaction when learning.
  • The same study also found that the participants preferred learning when an instructor was part of the training. They also found that they preferred to "learn in groups alongside others who perform the same role in their daily job."
  • Human interaction in a blended workplace learning (BWL) program was also "reported to be linked with more active behavioral engagement, higher cognitive engagement and stronger and more positive emotional engagement than where human interaction was absent."


  • For the initial hour, we tried identifying studies or reports that would help validate the hypothesis that live learning experiences contribute more to worker productivity than asynchronous ones.
  • We were mainly able to identify insights on how synchronous and synchronous e-learning complement each other. Also, most of the available studies we came across appeared to focus more on asynchronous learning. However, we did find one study where participants felt that human interaction was important to their learning.
  • Studies specific to the impact of live learning experiences or synchronous learning on worker productivity did not appear immediately available.
  • Our research indicates that more general insights or studies on the importance of human interaction in online learning programs are available, as well as insights on synchronous vs asynchronous learning. We can investigate these topics more if they are of interest.
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