Research Outline

Mental Health Treatment Market


Obtain information on U.S.-based health insurance companies that have acquired mental health software companies in the last three years.

Early Findings

Health Insurance Companies' Acquisitions

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield, a healthcare insurance provider has acquired the IkaSystems company.
  • IkaSystems company offers web-based enterprise resource planning solutions for automating systems and enabling insights management.
  • The acquisition was announced in Nov. 2015.


  • Humana, a healthcare insurance provider has acquired Enclara Healthcare in Dec. 2019.
  • Eclara Healthcare provides technology solutions that enable companies to streamline their medical care delivery.

Summary of Findings

  • Our one hour of research provided examples of a health insurance companies that have acquired a software firm. However, we were not able to find health insurance firms that acquired mental health software firms even after going through several healthcare acquisition lists and databases.
  • We then propose the next steps below based on this initial finding.