Research Outline

Podiatrist Attributes


To identify 5-7 attributes of podiatrists and podiatric surgeons that patients should be looking for.

Early Findings


  • An article by Volgadb Podiatry notes 4 essential things to consider before hiring a Podiatrist. Considering these factors would be beneficial for both hirers as well as patients.
- Board Certification: to differentiate a real podiatrist from a fake and ensure the quality of services, evidence of board certification is essential.
- Experience and Reputation: a good podiatrist will have a good reputation with their past clients so it is important to check with those that have used the services previously (e.g through customer reviews).
- Specialization: different types of foot injuries are best handled using specialized professionals in that area. Most podiatrists are known to treat a particular foot condition so it is important to find the right specialist.
- Cost: It is also important to choose podiatrists that charge patients fairly.
  • According to Maydica Podiatry Clinics, a good podiatrist who is able to provide good value for money should possess the following traits.
- Accessibility: it is important to have a podiatrist who is accessible when needed, for example during weekends when they are commonly unavailable.
- Experience: it is good practice to find a podiatrist who has been in the field for a long time as they are better equipped to deal with different issues and has experience with specific types of problems with patients.
- Compassion: compassion is important when handling patients that are dealing with pain. Not every podiatrist offers custom-designed services for their patients.

Podiatric Surgeons

  • The NHS Education for Scotland has identified the following attributes that essential for podiatric surgeon candidates (trainees).
- Education and professional qualifications: among others, this includes degree level qualification or equivalent, Masters degree (MSc Podiatric Surgery).
- Experience/Training: includes Experience of multiprofessional working and clinical practice in a community and secondary care setting , experience of biomechanics assessments and orthotics prescription, etc.
- Specific skills and knowledge: includes the ability to communicate sensitive and complex information
to patients , persuasive and reassurance skills, etc.
- Personal attributes: includes being highly motivated, demonstrate high commitment to patient
care and life -long learning, etc.

Other Findings

  • A report published by emphasizes on the top 7 things to know before choosing a podiatrist.
- Are they board certified?
- Do they fully understand your needs?
- Do they actually treat your condition?
- Do they educate you and give you options?
- Do they make you feel comfortable?
- Do they recommend treatment besides surgery?
- Do they use the latest technology & treatment options available?