Research Outline

New Zealand Parties Enviromental Stance


To provide an overview of the stance of each of the minor political parties in New Zealand in regards to the environment, including any specific information on their efforts to plant or protect trees.

Early Findings

ACT New Zealand

  • The ACT New Zealand party's stance is that environmental policies should not be detrimental to the country's economic competitivity.
  • The party wants to tie its carbon price to the price paid by the country's top 5 trading partners.
  • It stands against the government's Zero Carbon Act, with the argument that it will detriorate the economy.
  • The party does not mention anything about trees.

The Green Party

  • Unsurprisingly, the Green Party of New Zealand has many environmental proposals.
  • Their general stance is that nature should be protected and is the basis of all life.
  • The party is willing to fund the protection of nature and reduce pollution, as well as focus on conservation efforts.
  • In terms of tree planting and conservation, Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation and member of the Green Party, has awarded grants from the Department of Conservation's Community Fund to various community projects, including a $15,000 grant to fund the planting of native Chatham Island trees in six hectares of its North Coast.
  • Another policy proposed by the party is to provide a payment for people who plant trees.
  • The party commits itself to supporting the planting of 1.2 billion trees over 1.1 million hectares that are threatened by erosion, and invest $40 million to regenerate native forests.
  • The Green Party wants to incentivize permanent and plantation forestry.
  • They have planned to announce new policies before the 2020 elections.

Sustainable New Zealand

  • The mission of the party is to provide support for sustainable and prosperous communities, and its vision is to a green and clean New Zealand.
  • The party has a strong and comprehensive conservation policy.
  • It wants to increase the conservation funding from 0.5% of the total budget to 1% by 2025.
  • Sustainable New Zealand is pushing for the government to commit $1 billion to invest in conservation efforts.
  • It proposes to deal with reducing emission by encouraging forestry.