Research Outline

Online Sewing Patterns Market


Provide a competitive analysis of companies providing online sewing patterns in the UK and Germany, specifically to provide their market share, revenue, products offered beyond sewing patterns, recent news, how customers receive their patterns, whether patterns are tailored, and if the key players are independent or part of a group. This should be presented in a spreadsheet.

Early Findings

Sew Fab Patterns

  • The market share or revenue for Sew Fab Patterns was not available, as the company is a private company.
  • Sew Fab Patterns only offers PDF pattern bundles.
  • The latest news from the company was their release of their summer 2019 bundle, which focused on back-to-school.
  • Customers receive their patterns via PDF files sent to their email, where they can then print from home. The patterns are not customized or tailored.
  • Sew Fab Patterns is an independent collective, not associated with any other group.

Key Players in the Online Pattern Market UK

Initial Research Summary

The initial research was able to provide information about Sew Fab Patterns, and identified two additional key players in the online patterns market in the UK. Since most companies in this market are small, independent shops, there was no overall market size information, nor was there revenue for Sew Fab Patterns. The research team does not anticipate finding the revenue for many other key players as well. Since the market size is unknown and the revenues are unlikely to be available, market share information for each company will not be available nor will it be able to be calculated.