Research Outline

Customer Satisfaction


To outline strategies and tactics that are both high touch and high tech in creating great customer satisfaction.

Early Findings

Using Digital Technology to Give Personalized Customer Experiences

  • Customers are looking to get unique experiences. To achieve this, businesses are using digital technology to give personalized customer experiences. More businesses are incorporating apps, mobile devices, and automation to provide great customer satisfaction.  
  • Through digital technology, customers have continued to raise their expectations, which in turn demands that customer care representatives to rethink how to interact with customers and exploit modern technology opportunities to give great customer experience. 
  • Studies show that 75% of customers are likely to stick with businesses that recognize them by their name, are conversant with their purchase history and are helpful with giving recommendations based on past purchases. 

Investing in Flexible IT Environment to Improve Customer Experience

  • An organization that invests in the right technology can power up digital strategies to improve customer interaction. Approximately 45% of executives are aware that their companies have insufficient IT structure for a digital transformation technology. However, more organizations are investing in agile and flexible technology, as 86% of businesses are aware that cloud technology can transform digital technology and transform customer experience in an organization. 

Using Customer Experience (CX) to Increase Loyalty

  • Customer experience, also known as CX, can play a crucial role in providing a holistic approach and increasing customer loyalty.
  • Customer experience impacts the perceptions and decisions of customers, thus prompting them to stay loyal to a brand.