Research Outline

Radionor Communications AS


To find revenue information for Radionor Communications.

Early Findings

  • Radionor Communications is a privately-held company that does not publish annual reports in the public domain.
  • Crunchbase does not show any revenue, valuation or funding data for this company.
  • ZoomInfo lists Radionor has having 23 employees and a revenue of around $4 million.
  • However, another website, RocketReach, speculates that Radionor's revenue is much higher, at $17.2 million.
  • Dun and Bradstreet, the business directory, lists this company's revenue as $2.9 million.
  • While none of the sources are authoritative, D&B is the one that is the most reputable. They also list the (estimated) revenue for several of Radionnor's competitors.
  • As privately-held companies. there is no revenue breakdown by product, geography or other.