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Research Outline
Prepared for Igor | Delivered June 15, 2020
Radionor Communications AS
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To find revenue information for Radionor Communications.
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Early Findings
Radionor Communications
is a privately-held company that does not publish annual reports in the public domain.
does not show any revenue, valuation or funding data for this company.
lists Radionor has having 23 employees and a revenue of around $4 million.
However, another website, RocketReach, speculates that Radionor's revenue is much higher, at
$17.2 million
Dun and Bradstreet, the business directory, lists this company's revenue as $2.9 million.
While none of the sources are authoritative,
is the one that is the most reputable. They also list the (estimated) revenue for several of Radionnor's competitors.
As privately-held companies. there is no revenue breakdown by product, geography or other.
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