Research Outline

Multi-vendor eCommerce Payment Solutions


To make a preliminary analysis of the potential multi-vendor payment solutions for an eCommerce marketplace website, providing a comparative analysis of 3 multi-vendor payment platform solutions (payment providers + payment gateway) available in the market, with a focus on vendors that allow: sending and receiving payments worldwide (Americas, Europe, Asia-include China, Australia, and New Zealand); payments through credit cards, PayPal, eWallet, and Local payment methods such as bank transfers, prepaid cards, e-wallets, cash terminals; payment providers: Alipay, PayU, PayPal, Stripe, Braintree; support as many currencies as possible; have highly recommended developers API and lowest TCO (total cost of ownership); easy to implement (single API for all payment providers); have anti-fraud detection; have highly recommended advanced subscription management business logic; the recommended vendors-combined recommended solution should support reliable, scalable; support by phone + email; ideally with the following "features": 24 hours support, send and receive payments in Israel, Apple / Android pay.

Early Findings

In this shareable spreadsheet, for each vendor solution we provide the following information: Solution name; Website; Overview; Supported payments versus number of countries; Supported Israel payments; Platform support; Reviews Score (versus number of reviews); Price (see strategy); does it support local, e-wallet and PayPal payments?; Support Android/iOS?; It is a scalable solution?. The 3 vendor solutions are:


The price of the solution depends on the subscription type. Thus, there is no straight answer about whether the solution support payments 5 - 500 USD, and pricing for lower (5 USD) and higher (200-500 USD) payments. Given the complexity and time-consumption of this analysis, we have only examined the 3 payment gateways suggested. However, our preliminary analysis suggests that there are other platforms that ideally should be added to this comparative. See suggested proposals