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Research Outline
Prepared for Kristin | Delivered October 9, 2019
Role of COPD-E Caregivers
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To provide 1-2 statements from COPD- E caregivers taken from forums about their roles. Research will be used to guide the development of an audience profile.
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Early Findings
Debik stated in the "
A Day In The Life of A Caregiver
" posted in
COPD Foundation
that her roles in the family and as a caregiver were
She said, "Once we all arrived at our destination
my role as Mom, Grandmother, Wife and caregiver became interchangeable
.I am very fortunate that my husband and I discuss the effects of his COPD on him, good and bad. Those conversations allowed me to be all those every day."
Joey Joe
is a caregiver along with his mother for his father with COPD. He feels he needs to take a
more active role
especially as some drugs prescribed for his father may actually be exacerbating his dad's condition.
In a post titled
COPD and Depression
, he said, "As the son, I've relied on my mother to do primary care as she takes care of him. I worry though that she is not given the best advice and that bad habits creep in during the day to day life of my dad. So, I feel like I need to step in and
take a more active role.
"MY point is, what kind of doctor would prescribe this in the first place? Why wouldn't a primary care doctor realize that weight loss and lack of motivation be a sign of depression and work on that instead of letting him fade away?
Should I be concerned that my parents are getting bad advice?
He also replied in the forum that "I feel like I am going to have to take a
bigger role
because basic research is teaching me a lot and
it feels like my parents, even though they're motivated, are not well informed.
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