Research Outline

Loom Growth Story


To determine Loom growth story and the founders of the company.

Early Findings


  • Loom was founded in mid-2016 by co-founders Joe Thomas and Vinay Hiremath.
  • Shahed Khan, who is also a co-founder at Loom had worked at Weebly, a website builder, as a product designer, before joining Upfront Ventures. During this time, in 2016, Loom was trying to survive, and Khan, together with Thomas and Hiremath, "started Opentest to let app makers get usability feedback from experts via video."
  • After going through the NFX accelerator, the founders were running out of money to keep the company running after just six months. Running out of bootstrapped money sparked an idea. The team realized that video messaging would be more productive as teams sought to keep in touch with members, whether working remotely or from home.
