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Research Outline
Prepared for Sheila | Delivered May 7, 2020
Staffing in Consulting Companies
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To provide insights surrounding staffing and staffing models that are used in consulting companies or agencies.
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Early Findings
One Project Per Consultant Staffing Model
Bain, McKinsey, and BCG,
top firms in the management consulting industry, employ a one project staffing model.
Each consultant works on
one project at a time
and puts all their focus on this project.
This model ensures that there is
optimized productivity
since consultants can focus on single projects rather than bundling up together various projects.
Resource management
across the firms is made smoother because there is less variation in the activities that a consultant does at a given time.
On its FAQ page, BCG provides the following answer to this question: "
Does BCG staff consultants on one or two projects at a time? "
Answer: "
Our philosophy is to staff in a way that best serves our clients’ needs. Our work mix tends to be one project at a time
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