Research Outline

TV Shows - Makers, Problem Solvers, and Innovators


To continue filling in the attached spreadsheet and find additional television shows that deal with makers, problem solvers, and innovators. For each show, provide 1) its name, 2) its network, 3) its country of origin, and 4) a brief 1-2 sentence description. Include as many non-english-speaking programs as possible. Geographical scope is global.

Early Findings

During this hour of research, we were able to find six additional television shows that meet the requested criteria and organized our findings in the attached spreadsheet beginning with row 29. We also transferred the shows listed in this spreadsheet so as not to repeat any information. Non-English-speaking shows that we found during this hour air in Japan, India, and Pakistan. Our findings indicate that Asian countries (i.e. China, Japan, and Korea), India, and Spanish-speaking countries will be where we're most likely to find additional relevant shows.

Additional TV Shows about Makers, Problem Solvers, or Innovators

  • Iron Chef
  • Fat 'n Furious: Rolling Thunder
  • Top Gear
  • Let's Design
  • The Dewarists
  • Foodistan