To identify assessment tests and learning frameworks that can be used to determine if students are learning in the following subject areas: writing and reading comprehension, critical thinking, business communication skills, data analysis, information literacy, and information graphicacy and numeracy. Students in the following categories should be considered: high school, college, graduate, mid-career, short course/online learning, and vocational frameworks.
Theory papers should not be included; the focus should be on scientific measures of success in the student. The criteria for inclusion should be experiments with more than 100 participants (not randomized trials) with a preference for meta-analysis studies and articles published after 2006 in leading journals. For each article identified, an overview of the framework or assessment tool, including a quote from the discussion/conclusion regarding the application and/or limitation of the research, should be provided. A spreadsheet summarizing the paper name, author/s, publication date, and the source should accompany the research. The information will be used to uncover new ways of learning.