- Identify/calculate the market size for unfilled technology jobs in the United States.
- Identify the largest hirers of technology jobs in the U.S., broken down by different regions.
- Identify which categories of technology jobs are in the highest demand (i.e. which ones need to be filled the most and have the most number of openings).
- Overall, the goal behind each of the above objectives is to better target companies that have unfilled technology jobs and fill them with students from Lambda School over the course of the next year. By addressing the above points, it will be easier to understand the availability in the market, identify the largest targets to reach out to, and inform decisions for expanding technical training at the Lambda School to fit the available positions.
market size info
- The technology workforce, referred to as "net tech," consists of professionals working in technical positions that range from IT support, and network engineering to software development and more. Approximately 46% of those roles are found within technology-specific companies, while the other 56% are from companies across many other industries in the U.S.
- According to CompTIA's 2019 Cyberstates report, of all of the net tech positions in the U.S., 67% of them are actually technology positions; the others are support/business roles at tech companies (i.e. sales, finance, HR, etc.) and are not included here.
- Since the Great Recession, CompTIA's report states that the net tech industry has steadily added about 200,000 new jobs every year.
- By the end of 2018, there were exactly 11,812,147 employees in net tech positions throughout the U.S., an increase of 260,865 workers from 2017, or a 2.3% increase.
- Over the course of 2018, a total of 3,714,898 tech occupation jobs were posted for hire in the U.S.
- CompTIA's 2019 Cyberstates reports estimates that approximately 600,000 workers are going to be needed each year, on average, to fill positions in the U.S. technology industry that open up due to retirement, loss of employees, and industry growth.
technology position categories
- Approximately 1.1 million employees worked in Tech Manufacturing in 2017, compared with 1.3 million in Telecommunications and Internet Services, 0.4 million in Packaged Software, 2.5 million in IT Services/Custom Software Services, and 1.8 million in Engineering Services/R&D/Testing.
- By 2018, the leading tech industry sectors by number of people employed were IT Services/Custom Software Services (2,621,179), R&D/Testing/Engineering Services (1,777,233), Telecommunications and Internet Services (1,369,680), Tech Manufacturing (1,150,405), and Packaged Software (397,414).
- In 2018, the top tech occupation categories were Software and Web Developers with 1,504,895 workers, followed by Network Architects/Admins/Support Specialists with 748,935 workers, and Computer System/Cybersecurity analysts with 739,632 workers.
Information regarding the market size and position categories for tech positions in the U.S. is very dense. The CompTIA 2019 Cyberstates report cited above contains additional, very detailed information that is also broken down by each state, as well as many major cities in the U.S. As a result, we recommend the following:
1. Complete additional research on what % of each major job category remains unfilled in the U.S. (3 hours, $87).
2. Identify which specific regions, states, cities, etc. you want to know specific tech position data and unfilled positions for. We will use the above report, as well as additional resources, to locate more precise data that is not broad for the U.S. as a whole. Perhaps consider the state/city that the Lamda School is in/around (3 hours, $87).
2. An additional request is necessary to identify the largest hirers of tech roles in the U.S. This can also further be broken down by industry, if you prefer (i.e. the top hirers in each of the top 5 tech categories). Each industry would require a separate request. To leave generalized to the nation as a whole and not broken down by industry, it would be (3 hours, $87). To know the top hirers in each of the top 5 categories, it would be (15 hours, $1,305). We can do it for general, just one or two, or all 5 (or even all 10) of the top tech categories in the U.S. For each industry you want top hirers for, it will be an additional $87.