Research Outline

Art and Culture Transformation


To understand how the art and culture industries will transform in 2020 and the coming years by specifically looking at how traditional art museums will adapt to changing preferences.

Early Findings

Virtual Reality in Museums

  • Several museums have already started using virtual reality (VR) technology to engage museum visitors. These museums include the National History Museum, National Museum of Natural History in Paris, The Tate Modern, Louvre, Peterson Automotive Museum, National Museum of Finland, and the Smithsonian.
  • Bruno David, president of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, told the New York Times that "VR exhibitions are not intended to replace the existing model, but to enhance and complement what is already there." He further said that it is unlikely for VR experiences to completely take over since "people are coming to a museum to see real objects because real objects are emotional."

Change in Collections

  • One of the big trends in the art for 2020 is the change in museum collections. According to Rise Art, "the 2020s will see museums move towards a more inclusive presentation of art history, with a focus on women artists, queer art and non-Western narratives."
  • The Tate Museum "has committed to celebrating more women artists, with major solo exhibitions by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Paula Rego, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Maria Bartuszová, Haegue Yang and Zanele Muholi throughout 2020 to 2021."

Gallery Apps

  • The use of mobile phones is already accepted in museums and galleries. However, "the 2020s will see museums asking and encouraging people to engage with them through dedicated apps."
  • For example, Smartify, a new app, allows one to point a "smartphone at an artwork and receive instant information on it."
  • Gallery app is already being used in the Louvre in Paris, New York’s Met Museum, and London’s National Gallery. More arts organizations are expected to follow.